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Garmin 275

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New Software for GI-275: v.2.40

Garmin is pleased to announce an update to the GI 275 engine indication system (EIS) that includes enchanced display layouts that optimize display space and show more engine data on a single page, ultimately helping pilots quickly view essential engine, fuel and electrical data. In addition, improved graphical information and gauges are used to help pilots dynamically visualize sensor data and accurately assess the aircraft’s engine performance. As an alternative to the dual-concentric knob, the intuitive touchscreen user interface now features page shortcuts that allow the pilot to switch pages with just a single touch of the display. Other enchancements include a new Flight Summary Page, Engine Percent Power display, EIS page shortcuts, user customizable EIS fields and more.

Shop Garmin GI 275

Shop | Repair | Upgrade

  • Garmin GI 275 Base – CDI/MFD

  • Garmin GI 275 Base – EIS w/GEA 24

  • Garmin GI 275 Base – EIS w/GEA 110
